Sunday, 4 December 2016

Where have you been? It's been at least four years!! excuses...I've just been too lazy to write something! But with time passing I now have more snippets to divulge.

Radio wise, the Flex became an ANAN and the ANAN became a K3. I really should have gone straight there in the first place as I always wanted a K3 for many years but was seduced by the whole SDR/no knobs thing. I bought the kit and built it over a weekend and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was simple....basically just plug 'n' play, although the initial power up is definitely a 'heart in mouth' moment.

The P3 quickly followed to give the spectrum view I had become use to.....the finished combo looking something like this...

#1 Son is doing well. He is now a 2E0 and studying hard for his final exam and, hopefully, the M0 call. The DStar handy is great for keeping in touch, either when out and about portable or via the DVAP / Pi in the house, but having something when in the car was a welcome addition. I travel back and forth to the UK, usually for Xmas, and like to have the ability to chat to him on my journey. I chose the ID-5100.... both radios in the car now looks like this...

So that's where we are now as far as mobile and fixed stations go......."but Rob, I heard something about portable operation"

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