Monday, 14 May 2012

The Handy

I like to move with the times, not being left with the feeling that I am missing something, hoping I don't have to say, "what's that then" when chatting to like minded people. This trait I have brought me to another diversification in the hobby, namely D-Star.

Now say what you want about digital technology, connection to the internet and "it's not real radio" all you like, D-Star is here and making life for many a lot more pleasurable.....including yours truly.

I opted for the IC-E92D handy with the GPS mic

As previously mentioned, I live in a valley and wouldn't you just believe it, the nearest D-Star repeater decided to up sticks and move further away! So, after dishing out the cash for the handy I was left with no means to try the digital side of it out. Being the resourceful chap I am, I managed (yet again) to convince the CFO to let me buy a DV Dongle.

Thankfully my ageing laptop, which has been demoted to programming and storing various radio files, has sufficient processor power to work the reflectors.

I have made a few new friends on the reflectors and really enjoy the effortless connections, armchair copy if you like, that this mode offers. Certainly if you are new to the hobby and looking for something that opens up the world at minimal effort....this is definitely something worth looking at.

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